Resources While Trying to Conceive


 One of the members of our team has written a guide for Christian couples who are trying to conceive as a part of their ministry, Loving Theology.  Their story of an infertility scare early in their marriage and two miscarriages along the way inspired them to research what a couple can do who is struggling to conceive. Their desire was to help Christian couples not only walk through their options practically but understand how our faith ought to inform our decisions along the way. They talk about the questions we all have on this journey. Questions like why is it so hard to conceive, and where is God in the process?

They’ve included a practical discussion on timing intercourse to support conception, the role for medical and surgical intervention, and even IVF. These discussions provide the background information on our options, but also help to inform us of the implications of the decisions we will make on the journey.  The aim is to guide the Christian couple through the process of trying to conceive and to do so in a way that protect each little life that is conceived along the way.

If you find yourself on this journey, trying to conceive, I’d encourage you to take a look at these resources here. You may also find comfort in hearing their story from a post that they shared for Mother’s Day as an encouragement to couples who are on this road.


TTC: A christian guide for couples trying to conceive


IVF: a christian guide for in vitro fertilization